The Lizard Whisperer

People with Williams Syndrome are often drawn to subjects, almost obsessively. Sometimes the subjects are inanimate, often mechanical – fans, planes, radios. Other times they are very animate, people (of course), animals and young/babies are often a particular source of fascination. Linda loves animals and has books and books and books about them. She’s usually […]

With An Eye to the Future

Linda looks forwards to things… Meeting people, birthdays, pocket money day or her next meal. All seem to be anticipated with equal, sometimes intense excitement. One of the things that I have grown accustomed to is sitting down to a long anticipated meal, sometimes something that in it’s own right was celebrated as a special […]

Sunglasses galore!

Linda is going on holiday. For a few days she is going to visit her brother and she is so looking forward to this. Adults with Williams Syndrome are known for being very friendly and this seems to be even more exaggerated when the focus is family. As this is a holiday where we hope […]

Where Did I Go To?

I celebrated a birthday recently, not decimal nor particularly significant, it just marked the passing of another year. As it approached I received an email from a friend I’d not heard from for some time and she asked me all the usual “How are you? What’s been happening?” type of questions that you do when […]

Water to Stimulate Your Brain

Getting up is a staged process in our household. I pass Linda’s bedroom door on the way downstairs and give a knock before entering to wake her from sleep. She stirs and, given half a chance crawls back under the duvet – no chance – it’s time to get up. I make her a cup […]

Understanding Williams Syndrome: Behavioral Patterns and Interventions

We recently bought this book: “Understanding Williams Syndrome: Behavioral Patterns and Interventions” by Eleanor Semel and Sue R. Rosner as the title and description on Amazon made it sound like just what we wanted to read – an expert text on Williams Syndrome but also pitched at parents and carers. It also promised to both […]

It’s So Difficult Letting Them Learn!

We all know that children or even adults with disabilities learn things by doing things. Linda has been going to cookery classes for a few weeks now and turning out some delicious dishes! My problem here, and yes, this is all mine, is letting her get on with learning how to do this. When you […]

Williams Syndrome FISH Test Explained

If you are living or working with someone who you suspect has Williams Syndrome, the chances are that you’ll be talking with a medical specialist about this at some stage soon. You may discuss the typical signs and symptoms of Williams Syndrome and you can certainly read our other articles on this site. It won’t […]

Sister, Can I Have a Tablet?

Living with Linda full time means you get to really see how common things are on a day by day basis. One phrase that comes up again and again is: “Sister, can I have a tablet?” Linda is asking for medication, paracetamol usually, for… well sometimes it’s a headache, sometimes tummy pain, sometimes joint pains. […]

Williams Syndrome – What Do These Genes Do?

When you know someone who has, or might have Williams Syndrome, often your first reaction is to begin to search for information on the internet. If you’ve done this, you’ll no doubt have read that there are many possible symptoms. As a parent you’re often aware of the slow development of your child. You often […]