Linda loves people. Doesn’t every Williams Syndrome adult? Linda also loves the idea of having a dog for a pet. Well, I guess she’d really love having the dog for a pet but wouldn’t really want to walk the dog, clean up after the dog, generally any of the work of caring for a dog… […]
Communication Skills – Where Williams People Excel
The public face of Williams Syndrome is of hyper-sociable, cocktail-party people. Now if you are a parent or carer for a very youung Williams child, this might seem a little strange to you. Many parents often wonder whether their young children will ever learn to speak at all! The research – and there’s a lot […]
All At Sea
Aboard the ferry on the journey home… The low rumble of the engines alerts me to the fact that we are have left our berth and are under way. The journey home has started. Linda gazes out of a window at the sea… “You should see this!” she exclaims. “We’re moving!” Her excitement is palpable […]
Un, deux, trois!
I’ve written before about the love of language shown by Linda, typical of so many people with Williams Syndrome. Not only does Linda have a wide vocabulary, she loves using unusual words. So how will she fare in a different country with a new language? We’re on holiday in France. For the most part our […]
Wonderful Williams Syndrome Words
Tonight we were doing the washing up and Linda was watching birds in the garden as she wiped a glass with the tea towel. And there it was again. Another example of that wonderful turn of phrase that Williams Syndrome adults are so reknowned for… as she exclaimed: “Well stone me, with a feather!”. I’m […]
The Weather Today Is Atrocious!
One of the things that strikes me – Linda was really late learning to talk – but once she’d learned how there was no stopping her! Linda will talk and will talk to anyone who will listen. She has conversations, tells her stories. She loves telling jokes but her sense of timing rarely does justice […]