(PRWEB) May 25, 2001
Jan Bedell has worked in the Neurodevelopmental field for over 8 years and is the owner of Little Giant Steps. Her company assists parents with techniques to help their children who suffer with learning difficulties. With the new website at http://www.LittleGiantSteps.net, she can now reach out to all parents of special needs with her >message of hope. The specific neurodevelopment techniques treat the root cause instead of just offering coping and compensating skills. Jan has a Child Development and Home Economics Education Degreefrom Texas Tech University as well as Kindergarten Endorsement
and Special Education Certification. In addition to her 20 years
teaching experience in public, private and home school she has
broad experience centered around her child with mental
When significant improvement was observed in her own
daughter through the Neurodevelopmental approach, Jan felt called
to help other parents find help for their children. Jan’s call is
to comfort those mothers who mourn over the struggles their
children experience and to proclaim liberty to those captive to
limiting disability labels.
Jan believes that there is hope for every child Whether your child has
received a label of Brain Injured, Autistic, Down Syndrome,
PDD, Asperger’s, Cerebral Palsy, William’s Syndrome, ACC,
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Learning Disabled, Dyslexia
ADD, ADHD or any other of the myriad of labels abounding,
there is hope. Most diagnosis’ come with specific lists of what
to expect and what the future holds. Don’t believe them.
What the future holds is not something that can be
predetermined or preset. what the future holds is based upon
the opportunities that are presented to the individual.
For Additional Information Contact:
Jan Bedell
P.O. Box 800847
Dallas, Texas 75380
Phone: 972.980.7540
Fax: 972-774-9893
E-Mail: info@littlegiantsteps.net