Linda is a Williams Syndrome adult. While she has some intellectual disabilities she possesses many remarkable abilities, including the ability to read. And Linda reads avidly. While being very proud of this skill I’m realising it is also associated with a darker side. Mothers of younger Williams children be warned! Obsessive behaviour comes in many […]
Linda’s Anxiety Symptoms and our Solutions – a work in progress
As regular readers of Living with Linda will know, Linda came to live with us (Meg and Beth) when her Dad (and Meg’s) died very suddenly. Losing her father so suddenly, being uprooted from her home, her other siblings, nieces and nephews, and a growing number of great-nieces and great-nephews would have been traumatic enough […]
Special Need Blog Hop
One of our Facebook Friends pointed us in the direction of Kat's Cafe. it's a blog set up by and about Kat who is a Mum with a special needs child. she has started a Blog Hop (spreading the word about similar blogs. We've just signed up for the whole hop. So if you fancy […]
Understanding Williams Syndrome: Behavioral Patterns and Interventions
We recently bought this book: “Understanding Williams Syndrome: Behavioral Patterns and Interventions” by Eleanor Semel and Sue R. Rosner as the title and description on Amazon made it sound like just what we wanted to read – an expert text on Williams Syndrome but also pitched at parents and carers. It also promised to both […]
Williams Syndrome FISH Test Explained
If you are living or working with someone who you suspect has Williams Syndrome, the chances are that you’ll be talking with a medical specialist about this at some stage soon. You may discuss the typical signs and symptoms of Williams Syndrome and you can certainly read our other articles on this site. It won’t […]