Living With Linda

Linda - a typical Williams Syndrome smileIt all started about 40-odd years ago. My life was changed forever by the arrival of another sibling! Linda was welcome, but only just made it. Born premature, under-developed and small; it was weeks before she came home. It wasn’t long before we all knew Linda was different. She crawled but was slow to walk. She hardly spoke but she could sing.

All her life Linda lived with Mum and Dad while I grew up and went to University, made a life of my own. But Linda was always there with her special smile, infectious laugh and total inability to find her way back to the car!

It was only last year when Dad died that Linda came to live with me and Beth. And another adventure began as Linda was finally diagnosed with Williams Syndrome and pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. So here it is, our story, living with a Williams Syndrome Adult!