Have you ever read the book ‘The One Minute Millionaire’ by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen? It’s filled with great ideas and ‘Aha’ moments. If you haven’t read it yet, I can heartily recommend it, whether you actually want to make “a million” or not. It really is a book about abundance and the ideas can be applied to any form of riches you prefer.
One of the thoughts they put forward in this book is that nobody gets successful without a system.
While a few lucky souls may muddle their way to success, most of us need a process to follow.
The book defines a system as:
- Save
- Your
- Self
- Time
- Energy
- Money
Isn’t that a good mnemonic!
It exactly defines the reason why we need a system for so many things that we do.
I guess that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to do with Linda, even going back to the shower routine but also in so many other aspects of her life. I’ve discovered systems work to give some security and a path, certainly to Linda, maybe to many people with Williams Syndrome or some other form of learning disability, but the truth is systems also work for me.
Perhaps every parent has already made this discovery. As I’ve only been caring for Linda for a relatively short time I’m making this journey with a very steep learning curve!
I guess one of the key way-points on the journey to success is when you finally realize the power of systems and start to build your own, because, make no mistake – social workers, carers, personal development coaches, mentors and trainers can tell you about the systems THEY use, but the only systems that will always work for YOU are the ones that you have built for yourself.
Other people’s ideas can provide you with a guide, but you have to do a little of the work as well!
Many people make the mistake of thinking that buying the latest ‘guru’s’ system will ensure their success. It probably won’t, unless you are prepared to break down the advice and then build it up again so it suits your own personality, your style, your circumstances.
One of the real advantages I’m also finding is that it then becomes much easier to write down the system, to explain it and pass it on.
This is invaluable when it comes to handing over caring responsibilities as Linda goes out with a Support Worker or goes to stay with one of her other siblings for the weekend – the system for personal washing, the system for medication, the system for helping wash, wipe and put away the dishes after a meal.
I’ve also found that having agreed systems also takes away some of the frustration and anger that often used to creep into “being asked to help” with any task. It’s so much easier to simply say “You know the routine. What we do here is….” and it makes it much less personal. I’ve certainly found it’s helped with reducing a backlash!
For me it even makes something as simple as asking a neighbour to water the plants or care for the chickens while we are away so much easier!
Success often comes from taking a bit of this plan, a bit of another, adding a few wrinkles of our own and making something that works just right for us – or you.
The bigger insight it that the same principles apply to success and systems in many other aspects of our personal and professional lives, not just when working with people we care for.
Success is highly personal thing. My definition of it is certainly different to yours.
So what is happening in your life that a simple system could make better, easier, less stressful??
Beg and borrow ideas from everyone around you. Look to see what systems successful people do use, but then adapt them for your own use.
And of course, if you have something that works for you, please share it by commenting on our blog.
I look forward to hearing from you soon…
If you’ve never read the book, have a look on Amazon now, you might find somehting you like!