Research has came to the conclusion that Williams Syndrome is triggered by the lack of 25 genes around the seventh chromosome, which could have intense effects on physical, behavior or cognitive composition of a person. Scientists realize that the deletion of the genetic material happens throughout producing the sperm or egg but they don’t truly […]
Systems that Work for a Williams Syndrome Adult
Have you ever read the book ‘The One Minute Millionaire’ by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen? It’s filled with great ideas and ‘Aha’ moments. If you haven’t read it yet, I can heartily recommend it, whether you actually want to make “a million” or not. It really is a book about abundance and the […]
Understanding Williams Syndrome: Behavioral Patterns and Interventions
We recently bought this book: “Understanding Williams Syndrome: Behavioral Patterns and Interventions” by Eleanor Semel and Sue R. Rosner as the title and description on Amazon made it sound like just what we wanted to read – an expert text on Williams Syndrome but also pitched at parents and carers. It also promised to both […]